Investment Advice
Reduce your regulatory and business risk by working with TruStage™ Fiduciary Consultants. Using an established process, our knowledgeable team of investment professionals and consultants helps ensure your Institutional Program fiduciary duty is met.

Our mission
Bring plan-level investment advice and institutional sophistication to the credit union retirement plan market.
- Fiduciary advice is required in today’s marketplace
- Open architecture investments aren’t a differentiator
- Clients expect quality advice delivered by unconflicted experts
- Fee disclosure rules highlight how and how much salespeople and advisors are paid to provide service to a plan
- We start as skeptics of investment managers
- Investment manager marketing and talking points must be proven by data
- Fund revenue sharing is rebated back to plan participants
- No proprietary funds
- Institutional pricing and share classes
- No 12b-1 fees
- No or waived minimum initial investment requirements
Our services
Nondiscretionary 3(21) fiduciary advisor relationship¹
The non-discretionary fiduciary advisor option is appropriate if:
- You prefer to take an active role in selecting and monitoring investments for your plan
- And your credit union has an experienced and knowledgeable investment committee
TruStage Fiduciary Consultants, as your plan-level fiduciary, will provide you with investment recommendations. As the plan sponsor, you retain decision-making authority over the investment selection, asset allocation and replacement of the investments in your plan. Written authorization is required for any investment recommendations/actions.
Discretionary 3(38) fiduciary advisor relationship²
The discretionary fiduciary advisor option is appropriate if you prefer to delegate investment decisions directly to experts.
TruStage Fiduciary Consultants, as your plan-level fiduciary, will assume responsibility for the selection, monitoring, asset allocation, termination and replacement of the investments offered in your plan. Written authorization is not required for TruStage Fiduciary Consultants to make investment recommendations/actions on behalf of the plan or plan participants.
Our people
Our knowledgeable team of Fiduciary Consultants has a longstanding history of building deep partnerships with the people we serve. Each member is well equipped to help your business meet your fiduciary duty.
Meet the team:
Thomas M. Preusker
Research Director
TruStage Investment Management
MBA Keller Graduate School of Management
BA Denison University
David N. Abuaf, CFA
Multi-Asset Class Portfolio Manager
TruStage Fiduciary Consultants
MBA University of Chicago
BA University of Chicago
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Benjamin T. Wydick, CAIA, CFA, FSA
Senior Managing Director, Investment Strategy, Risk and Platforms
TruStage Investment Management
BA University of Michigan
Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA)
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)
Steven W. Rick
Director and Chief Economist
MS University of Wisconsin–Madison
BS Minnesota State University Moorhead
Jeremy J. Stark
Director of Alternative Investments
TruStage Investment Management
MA Cornell University
AB Princeton University
Shannon L. Eidson, CFA, FSA, EA
Director, Defined Benefit & Pension Risk Transfer
MA Ball State University
BA Washington University in St. Louis
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)
Enrolled Actuary (EA)
Taya Shepetko, CFA
Investment Analyst
TruStage Investment Management
MA Kyiv School of Economics
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
David L. Hanzlik, FSA, MAAA
VP, Wealth Segment Leader
BS University of Illinois
Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)
Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA)
Thomas J. Webber, CFA
Managing Director, Investments
TruStage Investment Management
MBA Carnegie Mellon University
BS Yale University
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
John Pesh
Director Executive Benefits
MBA University of Wisconsin, Madison
BS University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Customizable solutions
For additional information about working with our Fiduciary Consultants or to learn more about our retirement plans, visit our Workplace Solutions page.
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