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2022 What Matters Now™ research report

A multicultural and multigenerational consumer lens
November 2, 2023
Large family standing in front of a door

All people seen. All voices heard.

That mantra is core to the multi-year What Matters Now™ research, developed and digested specifically for credit unions. With contributions from nearly 10,000 multicultural and multigenerational participants across the country, the report is chock-full of identity-rich data, insights and action steps for helping your members and community achieve financial wellbeing.*

Our offering of this multicultural and multigeneration research, which includes the Native American, Native Alaskan and Indigenous and Multiracial consumer perspectives, gives insight into how the pandemic has impacted consumer finances. It aims to provide credit unions with knowledge that will help us better serve all consumers and live into our founding purpose of people helping people.

A multicultural and multigenerational look at consumers

With multicultural consumers being the growing force, and as Gen Z and Millennials continue to change life stages, we need to understand all parts of their identity and serve them with intentionality. The key themes included in this year’s report are designed to help you do precisely that.


Understanding today’s multifaceted consumer and being ready to serve tomorrow’s consumer, acknowledging groups that have been left out

Solutions for financial wellbeing

Understanding what products and services people are using to survive and thrive

Evolving consumer expectations

Understanding how the pandemic and this point in history has shaped what people expect from PFIs and how to show up for consumers NOW

Emotional fluency

Understanding people’s hopes, dreams and worries


Understanding how people interact and get information about primary financial institutions (PFIs) and what they offer

More insights available

Looking for more data for your community? Uncover member insights by connecting with a DEI Services advisor.

Download our research now!

Cover photo for the 2023 What Matters Now research document.

Download the report