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How to prepare your house for a power outage

Power outages can be unexpected but preparing with practical steps can help you and your home stay safe. Watch this video to learn what to do before, during, and after an outage to help ensure comfort and readiness until the lights come back on.
October 16, 2024
2 min and 21 sec watch
Family preparing house for power outage.
00:06:29 - 00:08:96
A power outage can be a major disruption,

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and outages that last for a long time

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may be especially challenging.

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With a little planning ahead,

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you can aim to stay as safe

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and as comfortable as possible

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until the lights come back on.

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Here are some steps to keep in mind

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before, during, and after a power outage.

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Before: Stay on top of weather forecasts.

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Put together a small emergency kit.

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Your kit should include water, nonperishable food,

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any necessary medications and first aid supplies,

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flashlights or lanterns,

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a battery powered radio,

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and spare batteries.

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Store your kit in a designated emergency location

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that is easy to remember and access.

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Charge your phone and an extra power bank,

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if you have one.

00:57:68 - 01:00:01
For colder months and longer outages,

01:00:01 - 01:03:64
add some blankets and spare clothing to your kit.

01:03:64 - 01:05:14
If you have time,

01:05:14 - 01:07:77
you can also add games or other activities to do

01:07:77 - 01:09:86
while you wait for power to be restored.

01:10:69 - 01:14:53
During: To help protect yourself and your home,

01:14:53 - 01:16:65
use battery-powered lights instead of candles

01:16:65 – 01:17:74
to prevent fires.

01:18:57 - 01:20:91
If you have a generator, run it outdoors

01:20:91 - 01:22:54
with proper ventilation.

01:23:12 – 01:26:46
Unplug appliances to avoid damage from surges

01:26:46 - 01:29:21
that may occur when the power comes back on.

01:29:88 - 01:32:92
Keep one light on in a central location

01:32:92 - 01:34:80
so you know when power is restored.

01:36:34 - 01:40:47
After: Dispose of any food that is clearly spoiled

01:40:47 - 01:42:22
or even questionable.

01:42:64 - 01:44:43
Reach out to your doctor or pharmacist

01:44:43 - 01:46:27
to possibly replace any medications

01:46:27 - 01:47:98
that had required refrigeration.

01:49:02 - 01:52:32
Replenish any supplies that were used up.

01:52:32 - 01:55:49
To ensure your emergency kit is ready for a future outage,

01:55:49 - 01:57:40
you should consistently charge batteries

01:57:40 - 01:59:11
and test your generator,

01:59:11 - 02:01:41
as well as replace food or other supplies

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that may have an expiration date.

02:03:91 - 02:06:37
A power outage may be a covered event.

02:06:37 - 02:08:25
If you experience food spoilage

02:08:25 - 02:10:42
or appliances damaged by the outage,

02:10:42 - 02:12:25
check your home insurance policy

02:12:25 - 02:14:59
to see if your loss could be covered.

02:14:59 - 02:16:55
Need more information?

02:16:67 - 02:19:63
Head to to learn more.

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