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Contact us & FAQs

Frequently asked questions


  • For member inquiries regarding a policy, please have them call 800.779.5433.

    Use the following claim form to review claims filing requirements:

  • Occasionally, you may receive requests from members to stop receiving Consumer Insurance mailings. To process these requests, you can either call 800.428.3932 or use our web-based member suppression tool located in the Consumer Insurance Resource Center.

  • If a member requests a quote for Consumer Insurance products, please have them call 1.88.TRUSTAGE.


  • Nationwide, small batches of mailings are sent to credit union members each week. However, any given member will only receive mailings that are specifically targeted. We take great care to avoid over-mailing your members and employ marketing models to help our targeting efforts. Very simply, over-mailing your members with direct mail is ineffective, expensive and not aligned with the credit union mission.

  • The Consumer Insurance Resource Center allows your staff to preview samples of the Consumer Insurance mailings. If you like, you can even print the entire mail package or select pieces/components to share with your tellers and member services staff.

    To view samples, visit the direct marketing page.*

Membership files

    • The key to a successful marketing program is reaching the right audience. Providing a fresh membership file helps ensure that we're reaching the right members!
    • Accurate data is at the heart of the Consumer Insurance program. To better understand your member's relationship with your credit union, we need frequently updated membership data.
    • Updates can account for growth in membership, as well as an opportunity to delete members due to death, closed accounts, and member opt-out requests received by your credit union. We go through a lengthy process of validating all of the data, from many perspectives.
    1. Review the membership file instructions & tips for guidance.
    2. For additional assistance to create or upload your membership file, contact the Data Management team at 800.428.3932, Ext. 684.1160 or email [email protected].

    Best practice: mark your calendar to send an updated member file at least quarterly.

Credit union logo and signature

  • Credit union members typically have a strong relationship with their credit union. By seeing their credit union's name and logo, along with the signature of the CEO (or other recognizable credit union official), your members know that this product is worthy of their consideration. We incorporate logos and your official’s signature into certain product marketing pieces that we mail to your members. Logos are also used on brochures, statement stuffers and on to reinforce your credit union's endorsement of TruStage products and programs.

    1. Use the following forms to review logo and signature submission requirements:
    2. Submit your files via email to [email protected]

Marketing materials

Program reporting

  • With CU Navigator, you can generate extensive and in-depth data about your credit union's Consumer Insurance program. Here are the types of reports you can create:

    • The amount of royalty payments your credit union has earned through the Consumer Insurance program.
    • The number of policies and quantity of in-force coverage your members purchased during various time periods.
    • The share of your members taking advantage of each type of insurance, including the contributory AD&D coverage provided by your credit union.
    • Your members' usage of access points (direct marketing, call center, local Liberty Mutual Insurance agent) to purchase insurance.
    • Comparisons of your Consumer Insurance program's performance to your peers and much more.
  • For access to CU Navigator, just follow these steps:

    1. Visit Edit Services and Roles in My Services.
    2. In the "Member Solutions" box, select "CU Navigator Management Reporting."
    3. Click "Submit" to submit your request.
  • CU Navigator provides the flexibility of showing numerical data as well as graphical views. This creates endless possibilities for presentations to your board of directors, updates to senior management teams, and even program awareness-building with frontline staff.

Credit union support

Technical questions, like problems with login, security, website access or hardware/software requirements: Contact technical support at 800.962.5465.

General inquiries: Call the Consumer Insurance information center at 800.428.3932 or send us a message by completing the form below.

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Consumer Insurance resources
