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Sustaining our environment

Keeping actions intentional

While relatively new on our corporate Environmental Social Governance (ESG) journey, we’re striving to build a culture that fosters inclusive environments and is intentional about reducing our impact on the environment. Our efforts are made to empower the communities we serve and create a positive impact on society daily.

Person walking up the office stairs

Environmental refers to environmental impacts and risk management practices.

Social refers to relationships with our company, community and overall society.

Governance refers to how an organization is led and managed.

What this looks like in practice

  • Our new headquarters built with low-emitting materials, advanced indoor air quality measures, and recycling more than 98% of building materials from the demolition of the old building.
  • Fostering relationships and creating environments rooted in support – regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, age, disability status, or citizenship.
  • Being inclusive, doing the right thing, making a difference, and looking for innovative ways to meet the needs of our customers, workforce, and communities.

Our approach

Trusting relationships

We set up policies, processes, and procedures to safeguard the promises we make to policyholders and business partners.

Thriving people

We are intentional about attracting, developing, and retaining talent with fair and equitable development opportunities that enable skills development and professional growth across all levels at TruStage™. 

Resilient communities

We facilitate tools and leverage our capabilities to help our partners, policyholders, and surrounding communities overcome adversity and thrive. 

The Lighthouse building in Madison, WI

Lighthouse: Where our values shine through

Inclusion is always a priority. We are doing the right thing for sustainability and pushing towards a brighter tomorrow.
  • 13% of contract spend and 25% of hours worked went to women and people from historically marginalized groups in the construction industry
  • 90% of construction waste diverted from landfills
  • 100% reduction in outdoor irrigation water use
  • 38% reduction in indoor water use
  • 39% energy cost savings due to efficiency of new building 

Recognition of efforts

Bicycle Friendly Business Logo

Bicycle Friendly Business Award

League of American Bicyclists, 2014-2025
Climate Champion logo

Climate Champion Award

Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change, 2020-2023
Energy Star Certification Logo

ENERGY STAR® Certified Building

Madison, Wisconsin 2013-2018, 2020-2022 - Waverly, Iowa 2015-2016, 2018-2020, 2022 - Great Bend, Kansas 2020
Green Master Program Logo

Green Masters Program

Since 2018 <br>Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council